Are We Ready For The Counterfeit?

      As we continue to make ready for Jesus' soon coming, it is my conviction that we need to do more than ever before to bring this message to a doomed world, for the events taking place around the world today ae carefully lain in such a way as to not only undermine, but to counterfeit the very message that Gd has given to us as a people.

      For years we've known about Satan's declaration of war against God's remnant church, but few of us have any idea how deceptive and devastating his final plans would actually be.

     I pray that as a people we would be awaken to the hour in which we live and cause us to put first things first, and awaken us to more personal ministry and mission, and draw us together in unity of body, recognizing that we have been entrusted with a unique message for a very special generation.

     There is evidence that the Roman Catholic church is presently preaching the Three Angels Message of Revalation 14 and has taken the name " The Remnant". The church is striving diligently to identify herself as the church of Revalation 12, and portray us as the church of Revalation 17, a complete reversal of what is revealed in Scripture. And in spite of this clear teaching, rome is now lifting the stigma off herself by moving from Revalation 17 to Revalation 12.

    Beloved this is clearly counterfeit, it is an incredible attempt to deceive people living today who are not students of God's Word. Today the Virgin Mary is appearing all over the world, and people are believing this deception. While this Virgin Mary is being exalted before the world as an object of worship, Rome is being exonerated as the gaurdian of Her Majesty. Friends, unless protestantism rediscovers the true symbolism of the two churches of Revalation, I predict that they would sell out the great church of Revalation 17.

     We have been told that the two issues that would unite the entire world are "Spiritualism" on the one hand, or "Immortality of the soul" and "Sunday Sacredness", we are actually seeing these fulfilled before our eyes.

    In the book "The Great Controversy", Ellen White says that: "Supernatural events will soon be in the heavens, Satan will come in the form of a bright Angel with light, and he will deceive and reinterpret scripture" beloved this is happening right now while as a people Satan have us fussing and fighting over things that has no eternal value, we need to wake up.

     My friends, Satan has given our message to Rome, I say why not, we are not doing anything about it, we boast that we are the Remnant, that we have the Truth, but what good is it if its not shared in an effort to win souls for God's Kingdom? Our own message will be turned against us. My question to us is, where are we going to stand when the counterfeit is accepted by the world?

    May God help us today to be bold for His cause, let us get our Spiritual acts together, let us awake out of slumber and complacency and be always prepared for the coming of our Lord.


                                         Pastor Roberts

 Come just as you are to worship

Come just as you are before your God.

God created us to worship him. It doesn't matter at what point you are in your life or what you've done, we all have the opportunity to come back to the fold of God. We can all get another chance to make things right by simple presenting our selves broken and totally before him.  God is ready to receive us, he is always awaiting the return of his lost sheep like the father of the prodigal son.

Desire of Ages pg 200

 John 4:43-54.

He who blessed the nobleman at Capernaum is just as desirous of blessing us. But like the afflicted father, we are often led to seek Jesus by the desire for some earthly good; and upon the granting of our request we rest our confidence in His love. The Saviour longs to give us a greater blessing than we ask; and He delays the answer to our request that He may show us the evil of our own hearts, and our deep need of His grace. He desires us to renounce the selfishness that leads us to seek Him. Confessing our helplessness and bitter need, we are to trust ourselves wholly to His love.

The nobleman wanted to see the fulfillment of his prayer before he should believe; but he had to accept the word of Jesus that his request was heard and the blessing granted. This lesson we also have to learn. Not because we see or feel that God hears us are we to believe. We are to trust in His promises. When we come to Him in faith, every petition enters the heart of God. When we have asked for His blessing, we should believe that we receive it, and thank Him that we have received it. Then we are to go about our duties, assured that the blessing will be realized when we need it most. When we have learned to do this, we shall know that our prayers are answered. God will do for us "exceeding abundantly," "according to the riches of His glory," and "the working of His mighty power." Eph. 3:20, 16; 1:19.

Building up God’s Kingdom!

By: Paul Brown

Christians are admonished by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to be ‘Kingdom Builders’. We are called and admonished to join in the hard work of taking the gospel to a dying world. This is serious. We are to join the battle with God, and his holy angels. But before we start we are reminded that the building up of God’s Kingdom is a serious task. Haphazardly giving our time and talent will not accomplish the will that God need for us to do. We must surrender and totally commit our lives to Him on a daily basis. Without surrendering and totally committed to the task that is set  before us we will doom to fail. The Holy Spirit is waiting on us to make ourselves available. God can train our brain to make the right decisions. God will not force any one to build up His Kingdom. However, he will award those who are working diligently for Him. It is over twelve years since my family and I have relocated to Port St. Lucie. We have seen hundreds of buildings built by different builders. Their work has proven that hard work pays off. The skills of these builders demonstrate also that their task and aim was to build buildings and they did. We (Christians) are also called upon to build the Kingdom of God.

"Much depends on the unceasing activity of those who are true and loyal; and for this reason Satan puts forth every possible effort to thwart the divine purpose to be wrought out through the obedient. He causes some to lose sight of their high and holy mission, and to become satisfied with the pleasures of this life. He leads them to settle down at ease, or, for the sake of greater worldly advantages, to remove from places where they might be a power for good. Others he causes to flee in discouragement from duty, because of opposition or persecution. But all such are regarded by Heaven with tenderest pity. To every child of God whose voice the enemy of souls had succeeded in silencing, the question is addressed, "What doest thou here?" I commissioned you to go into the entire world and preach the gospel, to prepare a people for the day of God. Why are you here? Who sent you?"--Prophets and Kings, pp. 171, 172. {ChS 182.1} Let’s challenge ourselves and get going with the Master’s work. It is time for us to be serious. Every Christian can do his or her work with help from the Holy Spirit, God is calling his Children to be ‘Kingdom Builders’ and I am joining Him in service. Won’t you?

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