Hello and welcome to this site in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you  for visiting us, this site was produced by three sisters who felt the need to create a place where anyone, anywhere, could join in devotion with us. We are very fortunate that in our day and age there is no need to sacrifice an animal every morning and evening in order to receive forgiveness for our sins. But instead of seeing the blessing in that we often forget and we go through our day without taking some time out to thank the Lord for all that he has done, is doing, and will do for us.

We should all realize how important we are to God, if we weren't then  John 3:16 would false. The Saviour knows everything about you down to the number of hairs on your head. He sees your heart while others only realize your outward appearance. If we know that he loves us so and is willing to do any thing for us (Matthew 7:7-9) then why so hard on our part to show him our appreciation,  for the many things he does for us everyday. In fact allowing us to wake up every morning  in itself is a modern day miracle. So come along with us and Worship...

NB: All texts are taken from the KJV bible.


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