Being a teenager myself I thought it would be a good idea to address them specifically in my first blog. I would like to start off with this statement “One of the most precious offerings and most valuable gifts that can be presented to God is a young heart.” But, I’m sure that most of us realize that the Seventh Day Adventist church isn’t overflowing with young people ready and eager to live for Jesus and among the youth that we do have there are those that may be here physically but are mentally, emotionally and  spiritually somewhere else. One of the biggest problems with the youth of today is that we aren’t very well educated in what we supposedly believe. Instead of giving ourselves fully to God we often make up excuses and build walls up around the door of our hearts where Jesus is diligently knocking. Instead of depending totally on God and putting all our faith in him we depend and put our faith in our loved ones and our friends who disappoint us because they were not given to us to take the place of God. Instead of putting him first we put people, money, worldly education, expensive things, jobs, huge houses, celebrities, secular books and all other idols before him and his word. Then after doing all this we question him and doubt his love for us because we eventually fall on hard times as a result of our unfaithfulness. There should be no doubt in our minds that God loves us, what we should question is how much we love him and do we show him that love. The book Messages to young people says that “Satan claims the youth as his property because a vast number of us render to him all our talents and abilities.” Take a good look at yourself are you one of those young people and just because you’re here today doesn’t mean that you aren’t. Some ways that prove that you are truly serving God is that you try to be a representation of Jesus where ever we go, others see the love of Jesus in you, you study God’s word daily and you consider God before making any decision in your life. God has blessed us in so many ways and most of the time we don’t even realize it. In fact all that we are and all the abilities that we possess comes from God as a sacred trust that he expects them to be rendered back to him as a willing and holy offering. We should remember that we have being placed in this world as a test to see if we have the character that we need to ultimately live forever with God and his holy angels. We should never forget that our knowledge and faith in God is the strongest restraint that we have from every evil practice. Our relationship with God should motivate us to be courteous and respectful to ourselves, others, and his sanctuary and to live to make him proud. I read a quote from Nelson Mandela which said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world", now i realize that when he said this quote he was probably talking about worldly education but in my mind i took it as having true education which comes from studying your Bible and the spirit of prophecy. Which is the best tool that you can use to do the job that we were put on this Earth to do, which is bring souls to Jesus. So my question for you tonight is who is the most important person in your life? Is it the person that it should be or has he been replaced by someone or something else?

Signed Melrosed


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